Saturday, July 11, 2009

Introduction Letter

My names Daisy Salinas. And I am currently living in UVA, which is located in San Marcos, California. The place I consider home is Los Angeles, California. I am about 110 miles away from home. I really miss my mother and my boyffriend William :) But I really like the feeling of being independent, and responsible for my own actions. I knew for a fact I was going to attained college some day. I just never knew I would be moving so far away from home. The reason why I am attending CSUSM is because Pathways In Education made it possible for me to live the college experience. I won a four year scholarship to attend this college, and I love it! Its not at huge campus, and I heard they had a real good psychology program I could attend. I plan on getting a psychology major in four years. Throughout all of high school I was a mentor and a peer counselor. All these programs lead me up to becoming close to my best friend, Mrs. Brard. I learned so much about myself with her, and I realized this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to become a counseling psychologist. The person who probably influences me the most must be my mother. She is a single mother, and she is making it on her own. She has been going to school since I can remember and trying to make it farther in life. Other than school, there are many other things that I like doing. For example, I love to dance. I have been dancing since I was in the 4th grade. Another thing I am very passionate about is swimming. I have been in meets for about a year. Last but not least, I love to read. This is something most people don’t know about me because im always living life so fast paste. But if I have time. Ill just sit down and read a good book. Now that I am on my own, my biggest fear in college is to become overwhelmed and not pass all the requirements I need this first year of college. But I know the CREW is there for me, as well as my new friends in summer bridge. Now that I am starting college I can begin to dream big. I see myself graduating in four years, and hopefully working with children in the field of psychology. I know the future holds a lot of wonderful days, months, and years to come. PEACE & LOVE


  1. Hey Daisy!!!
    i loved your blog!! and yes the crew will always be there for you.We are your family. I'll always have your back:)

  2. Heyy BOO/roomy!
    awww your blog is soooo cute!
    im proud of you for getting this far.
    luv yah!

  3. I'm Sure You'll Do Just Fine Being Dependent And Living By Yourself, Besides You Always Have Me And The Rest Of The Crew To Have Your Back

  4. Hiiiiii Daisy!!!!! lol
    I miss my mommy too!
    I love your blog!
    Just know that this isnt gonna be the easiest transition but we will make it through and come out even better than we are! =)

  5. eyy there
    you must be pretty smart to get a 4 year scholarship...that's cool
    Based on the little times I've talked to you, you sound like your really chill....
    see you around

  6. omg i cant believe you got a 4 year scholarship well i hope you do GREATTTTTT int he future. ;)

  7. Daisy Daisy Daisy,

    You are so AMAZING!!! you're a great friend and I'm so glad you're here with me at college. I know you will do just fine here and you know you have the C.R.E.W Famliy here for you.. You're such a great person and you don't have to worry about anything cuz I know you're gonna do great!!
    I Wuv ya Chica...
    <3 courtney

  8. heyyyyy Daisyyyy OOMMGG I cannot believe you gotta 4 year scholarship.. Ishud have been in that program... O wait I but like everyone else said we are you fam.. so always remember that... Love Ya.
